Graphclass: (2K2,A,C5,2P3,X170,house)-free

Complement classes

Forbidden subgraphs



The map shows the inclusions between the current class and a fixed set of landmark classes. Minimal/maximal is with respect to the contents of ISGCI. Only references for direct inclusions are given. Where no reference is given, check equivalent classes or use the Java application. To check relations other than inclusion (e.g. disjointness) use the Java application, as well.



Minimal superclasses


Maximal subclasses



The speed of a class $X$ is the function $n \mapsto |X_n|$, where $X_n$ is the set of $n$-vertex labeled graphs in $X$.

Depending on the rate of growths of the speed of the class, ISGCI distinguishes the following values of the parameter:
Superfactorial ($2^{o(n^2)}$ )
Superfactorial ($2^{\Theta(n^2)}$ )

superfactorial ($2^{\Theta(n^2)}$) [+]Details


acyclic chromatic number
The acyclic chromatic number of a graph $G$ is the smallest size of a vertex partition $\{V_1,\dots,V_l\}$ such that each $V_i$ is an independent set and for all $i,j$ that graph $G[V_i\cup V_j]$ does not contain a cycle.
Unbounded [+]Details
The bandwidth of a graph $G$ is the shortest maximum "length" of an edge over all one dimensional layouts of $G$. Formally, bandwidth is defined as $\min_{i \colon V \rightarrow \mathbb{N}\;}\{\max_{\{u,v\}\in E\;} \{|i(u)-i(v)|\}\mid i\text{ is injective}\}$.
Unbounded [+]Details
book thickness
A book embedding of a graph $G$ is an embedding of $G$ on a collection of half-planes (called pages) having the same line (called spine) as their boundary, such that the vertices all lie on the spine and there are no crossing edges. The book thickness of a graph $G$ is the smallest number of pages over all book embeddings of $G$.
Unbounded [+]Details
Consider the following decomposition of a graph $G$ which is defined as a pair $(T,L)$ where $T$ is a binary tree and $L$ is a bijection from $V(G)$ to the leaves of the tree $T$. The function $\text{cut-bool} \colon 2^{V(G)} \rightarrow R$ is defined as $\text{cut-bool}(A)$ := $\log_2|\{S \subseteq V(G) \backslash A \mid \exists X \subseteq A \colon S = (V(G) \backslash A) \cap \bigcup_{x \in X} N(x)\}|$. Every edge $e$ in $T$ partitions the vertices $V(G)$ into $\{A_e,\overline{A_e}\}$ according to the leaves of the two connected components of $T - e$. The booleanwidth of the above decomposition $(T,L)$ is $\max_{e \in E(T)\;} \{ \text{cut-bool}(A_e)\}$. The booleanwidth of a graph $G$ is the minimum booleanwidth of a decomposition of $G$ as above.
Unbounded [+]Details
A branch decomposition of a graph $G$ is a pair $(T,\chi)$, where $T$ is a binary tree and $\chi$ is a bijection, mapping leaves of $T$ to edges of $G$. Any edge $\{u, v\}$ of the tree divides the tree into two components and divides the set of edges of $G$ into two parts $X, E \backslash X$, consisting of edges mapped to the leaves of each component. The width of the edge $\{u,v\}$ is the number of vertices of $G$ that is incident both with an edge in $X$ and with an edge in $E \backslash X$. The width of the decomposition $(T,\chi)$ is the maximum width of its edges. The branchwidth of the graph $G$ is the minimum width over all branch-decompositions of $G$.
Unbounded [+]Details
Consider a decomposition $(T,\chi)$ of a graph $G$ where $T$ is a binary tree with $|V(G)|$ leaves and $\chi$ is a bijection mapping the leaves of $T$ to the vertices of $G$. Every edge $e \in E(T)$ of the tree $T$ partitions the vertices of the graph $G$ into two parts $V_e$ and $V \backslash V_e$ according to the leaves of the two connected components in $T - e$. The width of an edge $e$ of the tree is the number of edges of a graph $G$ that have exactly one endpoint in $V_e$ and another endpoint in $V \backslash V_e$. The width of the decomposition $(T,\chi)$ is the largest width over all edges of the tree $T$. The carvingwidth of a graph is the minimum width over all decompositions as above.
Unbounded [+]Details
chromatic number
The chromatic number of a graph is the minimum number of colours needed to label all its vertices in such a way that no two vertices with the same color are adjacent.
Unbounded [+]Details
The cliquewidth of a graph is the number of different labels that is needed to construct the graph using the following operations:
  • creation of a vertex with label $i$,
  • disjoint union,
  • renaming labels $i$ to label $j$, and
  • connecting all vertices with label $i$ to all vertices with label $j$.
Unbounded [+]Details
cochromatic number
The cochromatic number of a graph $G$ is the minimum number of colours needed to label all its vertices in such a way that that every set of vertices with the same colour is either independent in G, or independent in $\overline{G}$.
Unknown to ISGCI [+]Details
The cutwidth of a graph $G$ is the smallest integer $k$ such that the vertices of $G$ can be arranged in a linear layout $v_1, \ldots, v_n$ in such a way that for every $i = 1, \ldots,n - 1$, there are at most $k$ edges with one endpoint in $\{v_1, \ldots, v_i\}$ and the other in $\{v_{i+1}, \ldots, v_n\}$.
Unbounded [+]Details
Let $G$ be a graph and consider the following algorithm:
  • Find a vertex $v$ with smallest degree.
  • Delete vertex $v$ and its incident edges.
  • Repeat as long as the graph is not empty.
The degeneracy of a graph $G$ is the maximum degree of a vertex when it is deleted in the above algorithm.
Unbounded [+]Details
The diameter of a graph $G$ is the length of the longest shortest path between any two vertices in $G$.
Bounded [+]Details
distance to block
The distance to block of a graph $G$ is the size of a smallest vertex subset whose deletion makes $G$ a block graph.
Unbounded [+]Details
distance to clique
Let $G$ be a graph. Its distance to clique is the minimum number of vertices that have to be deleted from $G$ in order to obtain a clique.
Unbounded [+]Details
distance to cluster
A cluster is a disjoint union of cliques. The distance to cluster of a graph $G$ is the size of a smallest vertex subset whose deletion makes $G$ a cluster graph.
Unbounded [+]Details
distance to co-cluster
The distance to co-cluster of a graph is the minimum number of vertices that have to be deleted to obtain a co-cluster graph.
Unbounded [+]Details
distance to cograph
The distance to cograph of a graph $G$ is the minimum number of vertices that have to be deleted from $G$ in order to obtain a cograph .
Unknown to ISGCI [+]Details
distance to linear forest
The distance to linear forest of a graph $G = (V, E)$ is the size of a smallest subset $S$ of vertices, such that $G[V \backslash S]$ is a disjoint union of paths and singleton vertices.
Unbounded [+]Details
distance to outerplanar
The distance to outerplanar of a graph $G = (V,E)$ is the minumum size of a vertex subset $X \subseteq V$, such that $G[V \backslash X]$ is a outerplanar graph.
Unbounded [+]Details
The genus $g$ of a graph $G$ is the minimum number of handles over all surfaces on which $G$ can be embedded without edge crossings.
Unbounded [+]Details
max-leaf number
The max-leaf number of a graph $G$ is the maximum number of leaves in a spanning tree of $G$.
Unbounded [+]Details
maximum clique
The parameter maximum clique of a graph $G$ is the largest number of vertices in a complete subgraph of $G$.
Unbounded [+]Details
maximum degree
The maximum degree of a graph $G$ is the largest number of neighbors of a vertex in $G$.
Unbounded [+]Details
maximum independent set
An independent set of a graph $G$ is a subset of pairwise non-adjacent vertices. The parameter maximum independent set of graph $G$ is the size of a largest independent set in $G$.
Unbounded [+]Details
maximum induced matching
For a graph $G = (V,E)$ an induced matching is an edge subset $M \subseteq E$ that satisfies the following two conditions: $M$ is a matching of the graph $G$ and there is no edge in $E \backslash M$ connecting any two vertices belonging to edges of the matching $M$. The parameter maximum induced matching of a graph $G$ is the largest size of an induced matching in $G$.
Bounded [+]Details
maximum matching
A matching in a graph is a subset of pairwise disjoint edges (any two edges that do not share an endpoint). The parameter maximum matching of a graph $G$ is the largest size of a matching in $G$.
Unbounded [+]Details
minimum clique cover
A clique cover of a graph $G = (V, E)$ is a partition $P$ of $V$ such that each part in $P$ induces a clique in $G$. The minimum clique cover of $G$ is the minimum number of parts in a clique cover of $G$. Note that the clique cover number of a graph is exactly the chromatic number of its complement.
Unbounded [+]Details
minimum dominating set
A dominating set of a graph $G$ is a subset $D$ of its vertices, such that every vertex not in $D$ is adjacent to at least one member of $D$. The parameter minimum dominating set for graph $G$ is the minimum number of vertices in a dominating set for $G$.
Unbounded [+]Details
A path decomposition of a graph $G$ is a pair $(P,X)$ where $P$ is a path with vertex set $\{1, \ldots, q\}$, and $X = \{X_1,X_2, \ldots ,X_q\}$ is a family of vertex subsets of $V(G)$ such that:
  • $\bigcup_{p \in \{1,\ldots ,q\}} X_p = V(G)$
  • $\forall\{u,v\} \in E(G) \exists p \colon u, v \in X_p$
  • $\forall v \in V(G)$ the set of vertices $\{p \mid v \in X_p\}$ is a connected subpath of $P$.
The width of a path decomposition $(P,X)$ is max$\{|X_p| - 1 \mid p \in \{1,\ldots ,q\}\}$. The pathwidth of a graph $G$ is the minimum width among all possible path decompositions of $G$.
Unbounded [+]Details
Let $M$ be the $|V| \times |V|$ adjacency matrix of a graph $G$. The cut rank of a set $A \subseteq V(G)$ is the rank of the submatrix of $M$ induced by the rows of $A$ and the columns of $V(G) \backslash A$. A rank decomposition of a graph $G$ is a pair $(T,L)$ where $T$ is a binary tree and $L$ is a bijection from $V(G)$ to the leaves of the tree $T$. Any edge $e$ in the tree $T$ splits $V(G)$ into two parts $A_e, B_e$ corresponding to the leaves of the two connected components of $T - e$. The width of an edge $e \in E(T)$ is the cutrank of $A_e$. The width of the rank-decomposition $(T,L)$ is the maximum width of an edge in $T$. The rankwidth of the graph $G$ is the minimum width of a rank-decomposition of $G$.
Unbounded [+]Details
tree depth
A tree depth decomposition of a graph $G = (V,E)$ is a rooted tree $T$ with the same vertices $V$, such that, for every edge $\{u,v\} \in E$, either $u$ is an ancestor of $v$ or $v$ is an ancestor of $u$ in the tree $T$. The depth of $T$ is the maximum number of vertices on a path from the root to any leaf. The tree depth of a graph $G$ is the minimum depth among all tree depth decompositions.
Unbounded [+]Details
A tree decomposition of a graph $G$ is a pair $(T, X)$, where $T = (I, F)$ is a tree, and $X = \{X_i \mid i \in I\}$ is a family of subsets of $V(G)$ such that
  • the union of all $X_i$, $i \in I$ equals $V$,
  • for all edges $\{v,w\} \in E$, there exists $i \in I$, such that $v, w \in X_i$, and
  • for all $v \in V$ the set of nodes $\{i \in I \mid v \in X_i\}$ forms a subtree of $T$.
The width of the tree decomposition is $\max |X_i| - 1$.
The treewidth of a graph is the minimum width over all possible tree decompositions of the graph.
Unbounded [+]Details
vertex cover
Let $G$ be a graph. Its vertex cover number is the minimum number of vertices that have to be deleted in order to obtain an independent set.
Unbounded [+]Details


Problems in italics have no summary page and are only listed when ISGCI contains a result for the current class.

Parameter decomposition

book thickness decomposition
Input: A graph G in this class and an integer k.
Output: True iff the book thickness of G is at most k.
Unknown to ISGCI [+]Details
booleanwidth decomposition
Input: A graph G in this class.
Output: An expression that constructs G according to the rules for booleanwidth, using only a constant number of labels.
Undefined if this class has unbounded booleanwidth.
Unknown to ISGCI [+]Details
cliquewidth decomposition
Input: A graph G in this class.
Output: An expression that constructs G according to the rules for cliquewidth, using only a constant number of labels.
Undefined if this class has unbounded cliquewidth.
Unknown to ISGCI [+]Details
cutwidth decomposition
Input: A graph G in this class and an integer k.
Output: True iff the cutwidth of G is at most k.
NP-complete [+]Details
treewidth decomposition
Input: A graph G in this class and an integer k.
Output: True iff the treewidth of G is at most k.
Polynomial [+]Details

Unweighted problems

Input: A graph G in this class.
Output: True iff each vertex of G can be assigned one colour out of 3 such that whenever two vertices are adjacent, they have different colours.
Linear [+]Details
Input: A graph G in this class and an integer k.
Output: True iff G contains a set S of pairwise adjacent vertices, with |S| >= k.
Linear [+]Details
Clique cover
Input: A graph G in this class and an integer k.
Output: True iff the vertices of G can be partitioned into k sets Si, such that whenever two vertices are in the same set Si, they are adjacent.
Polynomial [+]Details
Input: A graph G in this class and an integer k.
Output: True iff each vertex of G can be assigned one colour out of k such that whenever two vertices are adjacent, they have different colours.
Linear [+]Details
Input: A graph G in this class and an integer k.
Output: True iff G contains a set S of vertices, with |S| <= k, such that every vertex in G is either in S or adjacent to a vertex in S.
NP-complete [+]Details
Feedback vertex set
Input: A graph G in this class and an integer k.
Output: True iff G contains a set S of vertices, with |S| <= k, such that every cycle in G contains a vertex from S.
Polynomial [+]Details
Graph isomorphism
Input: Graphs G and H in this class
Output: True iff G and H are isomorphic.
GI-complete [+]Details
Hamiltonian cycle
Input: A graph G in this class.
Output: True iff G has a simple cycle that goes through every vertex of the graph.
NP-complete [+]Details
Hamiltonian path
Input: A graph G in this class.
Output: True iff G has a simple path that goes through every vertex of the graph.
NP-complete [+]Details
Independent set
Input: A graph G in this class and an integer k.
Output: True iff G contains a set S of pairwise non-adjacent vertices, such that |S| >= k.
Linear [+]Details
Maximum cut
(decision variant)
Input: A graph G in this class and an integer k.
Output: True iff the vertices of G can be partitioned into two sets A,B such that there are at least k edges in G with one endpoint in A and the other endpoint in B.
NP-complete [+]Details
Input: A graph G in this class.
Output: True iff G is monopolar.
Polynomial [+]Details
Input: A graph G in this class.
Output: True iff G is polar.
Polynomial [+]Details
Input: A graph G.
Output: True iff G is in this graph class.
Polynomial [+]Details

Weighted problems

Weighted clique
Input: A graph G in this class with weight function on the vertices and a real k.
Output: True iff G contains a set S of pairwise adjacent vertices, such that the sum of the weights of the vertices in S is at least k.
Polynomial [+]Details
Weighted feedback vertex set
Input: A graph G in this class with weight function on the vertices and a real k.
Output: True iff G contains a set S of vertices, such that the sum of the weights of the vertices in S is at most k and every cycle in G contains a vertex from S.
Polynomial [+]Details
Weighted independent set
Input: A graph G in this class with weight function on the vertices and a real k.
Output: True iff G contains a set S of pairwise non-adjacent vertices, such that the sum of the weights of the vertices in S is at least k.
Polynomial [+]Details
Weighted maximum cut
(decision variant)
Input: A graph G in this class with weight function on the edges and a real k.
Output: True iff the vertices of G can be partitioned into two sets A,B such that the sum of weights of the edges in G with one endpoint in A and the other endpoint in B is at least k.
NP-complete [+]Details